Best Ways to Find YouTube Influencers for Your Brand


Ankita Tripathy

Social Media

8 Mins Read

May 31, 2024

how to find YouTube influencers

While a lot of us generally think of Instagram when it comes to influencers. However, did you know that people often try to find YouTube influencers for their brands?

Yes, you read that right!

YouTube offers its viewers one thing: genuine long-form video content. This is probably why many people often shift to watching review videos on the platform before they make any investment.

If you are planning to know how to find YouTube influencers for your brand, I have you covered! Therefore, keep on reading this blog till the end to learn more…

Youtube Influencers: Is That Even a Thing?

Youtube Influencers: Is That Even a Thing?

YouTube creators who have established a significant online following are known as YouTube influencers. 

They have the power to shape the beliefs and actions of their audience by producing interesting material. 

These influencers are well-known for their knowledge, originality, and capacity to engage viewers. Although there isn’t a single, appropriate definition, some typical standards are as follows: 

  • Large Audience: Influencers on YouTube usually have millions or even hundreds of thousands of followers. Both their audiences and businesses are familiar with their personal brands. 
  • High Views: They frequently receive over a million views for their videos. These aren’t merely fleeting images; viewers interact with the long-form material.
  • Brand-Friendly: They welcome collaborations with their material. Influencer partnerships and sponsored videos are common ways that brands work with YouTubers.

These creators work in a variety of fields, such as gaming, fitness, and beauty. They have developed entire product lines, media careers, and brands. 

For example, MrBeast is the largest individual YouTube influencer with over 240 million subscribers. His grandiose antics and charitable films set the standard for trends on the internet.

Types of YouTube Influencers

Types of YouTube Influencers

It is only obvious that you would try to understand what the different types of YouTube influencers are. Afterall, you need to know before you try to approach or find influencers for your brand.

Well, there are four types of influencers. Ther are:

1. Nano Influencers (1,000–10,000 followers): These creators have a small yet dedicated fan base. Their sincere recommendations move their followers, and they are outspoken supporters of the products they adore.

2. Micro Influencers (10K–100K followers): Micro-influencers have a somewhat bigger following, but they still have close relationships with them. Brands value their relatable content and experience in specific niches.

3. Macro Influencers (100K–1M followers): These influencers are widely respected. They may significantly increase brand engagement because they are frequently authorities in particular domains. 

4. Mega or Celebrity Influencers (1M+ followers): These are the huge stars—celebrities, athletes, or well-known personalities. Their enormous fan base has the potential to greatly influence brands.

How to Know if You Need YouTube Influencers?

How to Know if You Need YouTube Influencers?

Just like how influencers reach out to brands, the other way round is also common. But, do your need that for YOUR brand?

With more than two billion active users, YouTube is a massive force. There is an enormous reservoir of possible brand connections just waiting to be formed. It’s not just about size, though; YouTube has a significant impact. 

According to Google research, influencers on the network have the same ability to sway consumers’ judgments about what to buy as celebrities. 

Therefore, a wide range of influencers can help brands reach the same audience rather than just depending on well-known celebrities.

Researching potential influencers is necessary. Here are some important things to think about:

1. Audience Size and Reach: Verify the influencer’s sizeable fan base. Seek out millions or perhaps hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Their scope is important!

2. Alignment with Your Brand: Does their tone fit the messaging of your brand? Take into account their tone, morals, and content style. Genuineness is important.

3. Money: Are you able to collaborate with them? Even though MrBeast is the largest individual influencer with over 240 million subscribers, you may need to look into more affordable choices.

4. Engagement Metrics: Examine their average number of likes, and views on each post, and other social media accounts. Tools such as Influencer Analytics are beneficial.

7 Best Ways: How to Find YouTube Influencers for Your Brand?

Influencer marketing has grown to be a potent tactic in today’s digital environment for connecting brands with their target market. The biggest mobile video network, YouTube, has a plethora of opportunities for influencer partnerships. However, how do you find the right influencer to accurately reflect your brand?

Don’t worry, I have you covered! Here are the top seven ways in which you can find the right YouTube influencer in 2024:

1. Leverage Influencer Marketing Platforms

Leverage Influencer Marketing Platforms

Influencer marketing platforms function similarly to matchmakers, connecting influencers with brands. Think of it as a dating app for business collaborations! 

These resources assist you in identifying the ideal YouTube influencers to market your company.

Here’s how they work:

  • Database: A vast database of influencers is available on these platforms. They can be filtered according to several criteria, such as audience demographics (i.e., who is watching their videos), engagement (i.e., how much people like their material), and location.
  • Ideal Fit: You can look for influencers who are a good fit for your business. If you were a fitness gear seller, for instance, you would seek out fitness influencers. These sites assist you in locating creators that have a sincere passion for their work. 
  • No Embarrassing First Dates: You can get in contact with possible influencers when you’ve located them. Saying, “Hey, let’s collaborate!” is what it is like. Should they express interest, you have a potential collaboration.

Remember, it’s not just about numbers (like follower count). Authenticity matters. Find influencers who vibe with your brand, and you’ll create magic together.

Use Google and YouTube Search

Imagine Google as a super-smart librarian. You tell it what you’re looking for, and it fetches relevant websites.

  • Basic Search: Type your question or keywords into the search box. Google shows you a list of websites related to your query.
  • Filters: You can sort results by filters like “Images,” “Videos,” or “News.”
  • Voice Search: Click the microphone icon and ask your question out loud. Google listens and finds answers.
  • Smart Tricks: Use special commands (like “site:” to search within a specific website) to get precise results.

Just like Google, YouTube is also a platform that can help you find influencers. How? You see, YouTube is like a giant video library. You can find anything from cute cat videos to cooking tutorials.

  • Keywords: Type what you’re interested in (e.g., “funny cat videos” or “chocolate cake recipe”). YouTube shows related videos.
  • Trending: Check the “Trending” tab for popular videos. These are like the cool kids in the video world.
  • Sponsored Content: Look for videos with “sponsored” or “ad” tags. These creators work with brands and might have cool stuff to share.
Explore YouTube's Trending Tab

The Trending Tab is where the YouTube A-listers shine. Imagine the Trending Tab as a VIP party where all the cool videos hang out. When you click on “Trending,” YouTube shows you videos that are super popular right now.

These videos have lots of views, likes, and comments. People are talking about them. It’s like peeking into the latest trends. You’ll find music videos, funny clips, and more.

But there’s a catch! This probably isn’t great if you are in search of super niche influencers. However, when it comes to broad categories like gaming, movies, or music, this trending tab is worth a look!

4. Analyze Previously Sponsored Content

Analyze Previously Sponsored Content

Look for videos where the creator mentions “sponsored” or “ad.” These are like secret handshakes— they tell you the video is a collaboration with a brand.

Keeping a track of sponsored content is as important for YouTube influencers as it is for instagram influencers

Therefore, you must pay attention to how smoothly they weave the brand into their content. Is it a natural fit, or does it feel forced?

Check the comments section. Are viewers excited about the product? Or are they rolling their eyes? Genuine reactions matter.

If people say things like “I’m buying this!” or “Thanks for the recommendation,” it’s a good sign.

Ask yourself: Does the influencer still feel like themselves? Or did they turn into a walking billboard?

Authenticity matters. If the creator genuinely likes the product, it shows.

5. Utilize Hashtags

Utilize Hashtags

Similar to digital labels are hashtags. Assume that every item in your closet has a tag when you organize it. Hashtags on YouTube aid with video organization.

Artists include them in the names or descriptions of their videos. If you’re interested in fitness, for instance, look out hashtags like “#workoutvideos” or “#fitnessinfluencers.”

To view videos relating to a hashtag, such as #fitness, click on it. It’s similar to being accepted into a group of like-minded individuals. Influencers are among those who use these hashtags.

They have a strong interest in the subject. Include pertinent hashtags with your own content while posting it. Saying “Hey, I’m part of this group too!” is how it works.

People searching those hashtags might discover your videos.

6. Attend Webinars and Events

Attend Webinars and Events

Imagine webinars as online classes or workshops. They’re like virtual meetups where experts share knowledge.

You sign up for a webinar (usually free), and at the scheduled time, you join online.

Experts talk about topics like influencer marketing, social media, or anything you’re interested in. Additionally, you can ask questions in real-time. It’s like raising your hand in class.

Apart from webinars, there are several events that you can attend. These are like parties, but with a purpose. They happen in person (or virtually).

One of the most important things about these events is that it helps with networking. You meet people— other influencers, brand reps, or fellow enthusiasts.

Events have talks, panels, and workshops. You learn new things and get inspired. And you know what— sometimes you get cool freebies (like stickers or T-shirts).

7. Collaborate with Influencer Agencies

Collaborate with Influencer Agencies

Consider working with influencer marketing agencies like Upfluence. They specialize in connecting brands with influencers. 

These agencies handle the entire process, from discovery to campaign management. They can match you with the right YouTube creators based on your brand’s goals.

Wrapping It Up!

In case you want to know how to find YouTube influencers for your brand, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If you have any other questions related to the same, please feel free to let me know. 

All you need to do is scroll down until you reach the bottom of the page. Then, leave your comments and queries in the box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you!

Additional Reading:

Ankita Tripathy

Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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