Climate Expert Says “Canada Will Face Smoke For A While And It Will Last Over Winter.”


Mashum Mollah


2 Mins Read

August 24, 2023

Canada Will Face Smoke For A While And It Will Last Over Winter

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The Northwest Territories of Canada will face many smoking issues, as per the information of one weather expert. Moreover, fires are expected to burn into the entire season continuously. An Environment and Climate change expert Terri Land says that smoke will be the worst in some places directly heading downstream in B.C. and the Northwest territories.

The fires awash over 37 million acres across the entire Canadian province and territory. That is more than twice because the land burned last year on records is less than that. Wildfires usually happen because of multiple man-made causes like downed power lines, an enhanced rate of greenhouse gases, and so on.

The growth and spread of fires are formed mainly by the composition and structure of the landscape and forests. But rain and snow impact the heat and show how flammable the brush and trees are. In this way, it can be determined by how intensely blazes burn and how tough to put out.

As the information of a technical adviser at the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Center says, “Fire-weather risks due to climate change are increasing.” She further stated that, “Both mitigation and dedicated adaptation strategies are going to be required to reduce the drivers of risk and decrease its impacts on people’s lives, livelihoods and communities.”

Researchers further looked upon the Fire Weather Index, including; humidity, temperature, precipitation, and wind. A climate scientist at London University further contributed to the wildfires analysis and said, “The real number will be higher, but it’s very difficult to say how much higher.”

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