Influencer Academy: How to Become an Instagram Influencer in 2024?


Ankita Tripathy

Social Media

8 Mins Read

May 28, 2024

how to become an instagram influencer

It is 2024, and if you are not into influencer marketing, are you even playing the game well? I kid you not; everyone knows how to become an instagram influencer. However, some don’t do it right!

Being one helps you become popular and earn money at the same time. And considering that, as an influencer, you do what you like, it is a win-win situation, right?

Are you wondering how to do it well? I have you covered. Therefore, read this blog until the end to learn more, and thank me later…

Who is an Instagram Influencer?

You know those people on Instagram who seem to know everything about something, like fashion or food? They’re called influencers because they’re good at what they do and share it all the time. 

People love following them because they’re genuine and have this cool bond with their audience. 

Plus, when they say they like something, it’s like everyone wants to get it, too. That’s why brands are all over influencers. That’s why and how brands try to find influencers— they help spread the word and make things popular!

Needless to say, their following on the platform brings them a lot of money. Brands are attracted to them because these people become a very lucrative source of reaching their target audience. You get the drill, right?

Becoming an Instagram influencer has become much more popular in the past few years. So much so that people are trying to compare affiliate marketing with influencer marketing since both are great ways to make money!

Types of Influencers: Bet You Didn’t Know!

So, you want to be an Insta-whiz, huh? That’s cool, but first, let’s talk about the influencer crowd. It’s kind of like a party—everyone has their own number of followers. Based on that, we have different kinds of influencers. 

And yes, every kind of influencer

So, without further ado, let us get started:

  1. Nano Influencers: Imagine the friendly neighbour who knows everyone in the block – that’s them but in the online world. They’ve got a tight-knit group of up to 10K followers. Perfect for local shops on a budget, they’re all about keeping it real and making every shoutout feel like it’s coming from a pal.
  2. Micro-Influencers: These are the cool cats with followers between 10K and 100K. They’re not going to break the bank, and they really know their stuff. Small and medium brands love them because they get people talking and excited about stuff super quickly.
  3. Mid Influencers: Picture someone who’s got fans in all corners—that’s your mid-influencer with 100K to 500K followers. They’re the go-to for brands that want to hit the ground running and see their site numbers jump.
  4. Macro Influencers: Think of the influencer celebs with more than 500K followers. They’re the headliners for big-time campaigns. Yeah, they’re pricier, but they make your brand shine bright, especially when you’ve got something huge to share.

How to Become an Instagram Influencer in 2024?

How to Become an Instagram Influencer in 2024?

Being an Instgaram influencer is not very difficult in 2024. At the same time, it is not something out of the blue. Every 10 out of 100 people are Instagram influencers. But how many of them are actually cracking the deal? How many are truly successful in making it big on the platform?

Not much, right?

So, what are the winners doing differently? How are they making the cut when others are not?

If you are trying to learn this, then I have you covered! Are you all geared up to start your influencer journey on Instagram? Here are the steps that you need to follow:

1. Sign up for Instagram

Sign up for Instagram

Let’s start from square one. Chances are you’ve already got an Instagram account, but if not, no worries— it’s easy. Once you’ve got the app, you can sign up using your Facebook, phone number, or email.

Now, pick a username—that’s your Insta ID, so think it through. Your full name is a solid pick because it feels real and trustworthy. The internet is full of fakes, and folks like knowing they’re following a genuine person.

If you have a passion or niche, like being a yoga guru or a travel buff, and a website to match, use that for your username. It ties everything together nicely. Just remember, your username should feel friendly, not like a pushy sales pitch.

2. Pick a niche

 Pick a niche

Secondly, want to make your Instagram pop? Here’s the scoop: Think of your Insta like your favorite coffee shop. You drop by because you know exactly what yummy stuff you’ll find.

Your Insta should be just like that. Pick a theme you love, whether it’s acting, style, or cute pets. Then, break it down into cool little bits— like tips for newbie actors, where to learn acting for free, or a peek into an actor’s daily life.

These bits are your special spices that make your Insta-flavor unique. Maybe your friend’s Insta is all about acting lingo and audition tricks. That’s their recipe, and you’ve got yours.

Finding your Insta flavor can be tricky. Ask yourself: What gets me chatting nonstop? What do people always ask me for advice on? Once you’ve got your answers, sprinkle those special spices onto your Insta, and watch it sizzle!

3. Experiment with Different Content Types

Experiment with Different Content Types

On Instagram, it’s all about sharing stuff that matters. Your posts and stories are like a window into your world, and they’ve gotta be top-notch.

Keep it clean, keep it helpful, and ensure it brightens someone’s day. That’s how you get a thumbs-up reputation and catch the eye of cool brands.

Starting your Insta journey? Focus on quality. Play around with editing apps to find your style and stick to your game plan. Always show off your best side, and you’ll have followers lining up in no time!

4. Grow a Following

Grow a Following

Imagine you’ve got a shiny new Instagram account, but it’s like a party with no guests. You need folks who dig your style to show up. Here’s a friendly guide to get those followers rolling in.

First up, find your tribe. If you’re all about hairdos, don’t just buddy up with other hair wizards. Mix it up with beauty bloggers and skincare junkies too. And don’t forget to play tag – I mean, follow those hashtags that fit your vibe.

Next, be that cool person who drops wise words in comments. Say you’re a hairstylist; slide into a chat about hair care with a tip or two. It’s like saying, “Hey, I know my stuff, come hang at my Insta spot.”

Have a few hundred pals following you? It’s time for some teamwork. Find Insta-buddies in related fields and give each other shoutouts. But hey, make it snazzy. Share something nifty from their feed, tag ’em, and ask them to return the favor. It’s like giving your followers a little gift—they’ll love it.

Here’s a pro move: Pick a day for these shoutouts, like “Team-up Tuesdays.” Your followers will get the heads-up and stick around for the fun.

Stick to this friendly advice, keep it real, and before you know it, your Insta-party will be the talk of the town!

5. Open for Business

Open for Business

So, you’ve got a bunch of followers on Instagram, and you’re ready to level up, right? Whether you’ve got thousands or tens of thousands, it’s all about making that count soar even higher before you dive into the influencer marketing pool.

Here’s a friendly three-step plan to get those sweet deals:

  • Spruce Up Your Bio: Your bio is like your Insta’s handshake—it’s gotta be firm and impressive. Make sure it tells your story and how brands can give you a shout. Use the right buzzwords so that when businesses go hunting on Google, they find you first. And hey, slip them your email or a link to your site. DMs are cool, but emails are where the serious talks happen.
  • Go Pro with Your Account: If you haven’t already, switch to a Professional account. It’s a breeze and gives you all these nifty tools to show off to potential sponsors. You’ll need to be public and might need a Facebook Page linked up, but once that’s done, you’re golden.
  • Get on Influencer Databases: These online databases are where businesses look for influencers like you. Reach out to them, share your deets, and get on their list. Most times, it’s free! If you’re already making waves, you might be on their radar anyway. This way, brands looking for someone with your sparkle might just get matched with you.

6. Shoot Reels and TikToks

Shoot Reels and TikToks

Now comes (probably) one of the most important things at present. Let’s break down the buzz about short videos like Insta Reels. They’re all the rage, and getting them right could make your Insta family huge! Here’s the lowdown:

  • Start Shooting: If you’re used to just photos, videos might seem scary. But hey, just go for it! Your first tries might not be flawless, but you’ll get the hang of it.
  • Do Your Homework: Spend a little time each day—like a quick coffee break—checking out what’s hot in the video world. It’s a great way to stay on top of trends and spark some ideas.
  • Make It Matter: Every clip you post should teach something, lift spirits, or be super relatable. Think of it as your video mission.
  • Grab ‘Em Quick: Kick off your videos with something catchy to make folks stop and watch. A cool text message on screen or a friendly wave can do the trick.
  • Plan Ahead: Keep your video game strong by planning your posts for the week. Use an app to schedule them, and you’re all set for smooth sailing.

7. Cultivate an Influencer Community

Cultivate an Influencer Community

Growing your Insta fam is cool, but don’t forget to really connect with them. 

If you’re all about getting big numbers, you might miss out on making real pals who actually listen to you. 

Instead, focus on making a tight-knit crew that digs your style, trusts your tips, and sticks with you across the social universe. 

Remember, whether you’re just starting or you’re already a hashtag hero, making genuine bonds with your followers is the best move you can make. 

8. Find Brands That Work With Influencers

Find Brands That Work With Influencers

Now comes the important part: Want to make some cash and get your name out there with sponsored content? It’s not just for the Insta-famous. Moreover, you can do it, too, even if you’re not swimming in followers. 

Here’s how to reach out to brands as an influencer and pitch to them in three easy steps:

Step 1: Whip up a snappy pitch email. Keep it short and sweet, like a catchy tune. Show off your skills in getting people buzzing about brands or making them shop till they drop.

Tip: Got an email that worked like a charm? Turn it into a go-to template for next time.

Step 2: Find the right person to read your pitch. Hunt them down on LinkedIn or slide into their DMs for the golden email address.

Step 3: Your pitch needs these fab five:

  • A subject line that sings
  • A quick hello and intro
  • Your love story with the brand
  • An awesome media kit
  • Your rates and a zinger of a call-to-action

Wrapping it Up!

So, now you have it! This is how you can become an Instagram influencer. Just follow the tips and tricks mixed with your own creativity, and you will be good to go!

If there are any other questions that you might have related to the same topic, please feel free to get in touch. You can also leave your comments in the box below and I will be there to help you out and simply think.

Till then, stay cool!

Additional Reading:

Ankita Tripathy

Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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