Here Are 7 Ways To Become A Commercial Photographer


Rookmini Tewari

Job & Career

5 Mins Read

February 5, 2024

commercial photographer

If you are a wedding, pet, portrait, or generalist photographer, you must make a massive change in your business. You can do one thing here: you might have considered offering your photography services to various companies, small businesses, and agencies. Being a commercial photographer means you are pursuing a significant job role. 

Once you begin this job, the potential commercial photography client might have contacted you either from an ad agency or the marketing department. Or else you can get scope to pursue this career from one of your family or friends who owns a business.  

It is sometimes exciting to think about pursuing commercial photography. This job role is similar to editorial photography. On the other hand, information can sometimes be complex to find online. Yes! Most of the articles and books out there must be updated.  

Here Are The 7 Ways To Become A Commercial Photographer

Here Are The 7 Ways To Become A Commercial Photographer

By starting the job role of a commercial photographer, you can quickly scale up to a bigger and bigger range of clients as you learn. In this way, you can even build confidence in your abilities. Below, I will discuss the seven ways to become a commercial photographer.  

1) Decide What And With Whom You Want To Shoot

If you are interested in being a commercial photographer, then there are some decisions that you need to make. What are those? These are:  

  • Who do I want to be shooting for?  
  • What do I want from photography?  
  • What types of people do I want to work with?  

Before heading to this domain, you must create awesome photos your clients love. These are:  

  • Way/Feel/Body Language of the brands you want to shoot for.
  • The types of people you would love to work with as far as the customers go.
  • Every business in your area fits within the previous two.

This means you have to plan to spend at least a few days doing some brainstorming and research. As this work will set the stage for your intensities as a commercial photographer. Furthermore, this will provide a mental blueprint based on your marketing plan.  

2) Install And Buy Pricing And Bidding Software

When you are planning to start a photography business, it is never challenging. This means it is almost only possible to provide accurate image pricing using a pricing database that draws on pricing from other photographers.  

Or else if you want to charge for a photography fee. Sometimes, customers don’t want to leave essential expenses, or even after getting to know the photography charge customer, they sometimes cancel the bookings. 

That is why pulling together a professional estimate without bidding software is pretty challenging, which doesn’t leave any essential expenses out. In this case, you both have to require software that will provide fair marketing expenses, which appears to have professional outcomes.  

3) Design And Print A Portfolio And Make A Separate Website

Ideally, being a commercial photographer, you must have two portfolios. These are one on the web and another one in the print.  

In this case, your website will drive prospective clients while you meet them in person. Above all, your printed portfolio is what you show them when you meet them in person. Not only that, but also a commercial photographer salary is quite high, such as 9 to 10 lakh per annum.  

Several types of photography already have websites. They should have a separate website for the commercial photos. That is why, before heading to an open social media page regarding your business, you must design the target audience and appeal to a large audience or market. 

If you are doing a wedding or real estate drone photography, your market will be more diverse than when you are targeting restaurants in your area or even doing headshots.  

4) Design A Multi-Page Printed Promo

Another way to establish your commercial photography career is by working with more extensive and established companies. In this case, you must send a simple email to the marketing department or require an essential Blurb book.  

Consider hiring a designer to design a template if you are not a designer. After all, your job is to impress your clients. In this case, it could be done by showing the photography sampling or sending photography samples through WhatsApp and so many others.  

You must also tell me why you would like to work with that company. After all, showcasing your interest the right way can help build an excellent professional career.  

5) Pitch Your Photography To Local Businesses That You Already Patronize

It would help if you thought of such companies which you already go to. After all, you must know how to represent technique in front of back-office-counter and front-of-the-office employees. Therefore, you should be bold in selling yourself in high demand. You also understand that they are not the decision-makers.  

6) Network With Local Producers, Assistants, And Other Crews

Before establishing any career, you must know how to build a network with local assistants, crews, and producers. This is one of the best ways to pull your team together before you land the shoot where they have required it.  

What will you require of your team?  

These are producers, Assistants, and Digitech. They might even adjust exposure, tag colors, and photos for deletion. This will even help your client see what an image might look like: “darkened a little in such an area.”  

7) Add The Names Of Clients You Have Shot For To The Client List On Your Website

Another of the most valuable tools that will help you market yourself is adding clients’ names. On the other side, demonstrating other clients you have hired and trusted you enough will also make photos for them. Whether you are trying to develop trust with several brands you have never worked with, your client list can go a long way in helping them. Most importantly, it allows you to hire you as well.  

In Conclusion

I have discussed seven ways to become a commercial photographer in this article above. Of course, commercial photography can always be a lucrative niche. But you have to know your way around. Yes! You are right that if you want to build a successful career, you must adhere to some techniques. Therefore, you can make a concrete career with a calculated plan.  

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