Why Can’t I Post On Instagram? [Fixed]


Subham Shah

Social Media

6 Mins Read

March 9, 2022

Why Can't I Post On Instagram?

Ever since its takeover by Facebook, now renamed the Meta company, Instagram has become one of the biggest social media sites. Instagram allows you to upload pictures and videos on your page, which your followers can see whenever they want. As a result, Instagram has slowly become one of the most used social media platforms, even overshadowing Facebook and Twitter in 2020.

However, there are still many issues plaguing Instagram. For example, users have reported numerous times about not posting images and videos on Instagram, with the tagline “why can’t I post on Instagram” being thrown around in online forums commonly. Therefore, if you face problems like this, continue reading to solve them immediately!

Why Is Instagram Not Letting Me Post?

To answer your question regarding “Why can’t I post on Instagram,” we need to understand what can potentially cause this problem to rise in the first place.

Many users globally have faced this long withstanding problem of not pot on Instagram. However, most of the time, the user’s internet connection is at fault over here. Many people living in remote areas have poor internet connectivity.

As a result, it is not strong enough to post all the images and videos that the user has. Most of these photos and videos are more than a few MB in size and require a stable internet connection with a bandwidth of at least 1 MB to upload.

Another problem that many users have faced is running out of storage space. This is most common amongst smartphone users, where if you click many pictures and videos will result in lots of them clogging up your device storage space.

Suppose you do not have extra available memory. In that case, nothing will get uploaded since Instagram will not create a copy of the uploaded photo or video as a temporary cache file.

How Do I Fix Such Issues?

How Do I Fix Such Issues?

To fix issues like “Why can’t I post on Instagram,” you will need to test and try out the following steps. There is no definite reason for the issue to occur. Therefore, try all these steps one by one and see what works:

1. Restart Your PC Or Smartphone

This is often the most common fix if you have a question in mind like “why won’t Insta let me post.” Usually timers, due to some unknown bugs and glitches, the application stops functioning correctly. This results in a loss of connection with the server, one of the main reasons you can’t post on Instagram. Restarting your device could solve this problem.

2. Update Instagram

Always keep your Instagram application updated on your smartphone. This is because updates often introduce application changes that remove old codes and add new ones. Since you were probably using an older version of the application, these new codes are not registered with the updated Instagram server, resulting in the application getting confused.

3. Uninstall And Reinstall Instagram

Sometimes, the application downloading incomplete files on your smartphone is the fault. For example, this happens when you install Instagram or one of its updates. The safest way to solve this problem is to uninstall and reinstall the application altogether.

4. Reduce The Size Of The Image Or Video

This is one of the most overlooked causes for you facing problems like “why can’t I post on Instagram.” Instagram has placed few limitations regarding what the size of the images and videos should be like. All videos and photos are capped with a size limitation. For example, you cannot upload videos that are more than 60 seconds long and more than 40GB in size. For images, they are:

  • Square Images: 1080p x 1080p
  • Landscape Images: 1080p x 566p
  • Vertical Images: 1080p x 1350p

5. Clear Instagram Cache

When you use an application for a long time, the app starts storing a lot of cached data for safekeeping. This cached data allows the application to boot up faster, along with being able to load up thumbnails and other functionalities faster.

After reading this, you might think this is crucial for the application. However, only a few files amongst all that cached data get used regularly. Therefore, clear your cached memory from time to time to ensure that the application works smoothly.

6. Free Up Device Storage

As mentioned earlier, you will not be abler to post any images or videos on Instagram if you do not have any storage space left in your device. Therefore, always keep a lookout for your remaining storage space and delete older files, images, and videos to keep them from piling up and clogging your storage space.

7. Use Faster Internet

One of the most common reasons you ask questions like “why can’t I post on Instagram” will be related to your internet connection. Often, due to poor internet connection, Instagram cannot process any data and fails to upload the image or the video. The only fix for this is to change your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and get a faster internet connection.

8. Uninstall Third Party Applications

Many third-party applications often require access to Instagram. For example, many applications allow you to monitor your posts to see their engagement rates and see how often they convert a user into a follower (conversion rate).

While Instagram has not banned any such applications, some applications require permission from Instagram to integrate themselves with the application. This can result in a breach of privacy and theft of data from unverified applications.

This is where Instagram blocks the apps from working. This can result in complications with the Instagram application itself. You have to uninstall those unverified third-party applications to get out of this sticky situation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

[su_spoiler title=”Q1. Why Will Instagram Not Let Me Post?” open=”yes” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]There can be many reasons why you might ask, “Instagram not letting me post.” Some of the primary reasons are:

  • Insufficient Storage Space
  • Too much-cached data
  • Image/Video too big to post
  • Poor internet connection


[su_spoiler title=”Q2. How Do You Post A FAQ On Instagram?” open=”yes” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]To post a FAQ on Instagram, you need to:

  • Go to Settings
  • Then, Go to Business
  • Go to Frequently Asked Questions
  • Setup Questions


[su_spoiler title=”Q3. Why Does Instagram Say Try Again Later When I Try To Post?” open=”yes” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]If you see this message, that means that you have a poor internet connection that is not enough to upload the images/videos on your posts.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”Q4. Why Can’t I Like Post On Instagram Try Again Later?” open=”yes” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=”” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””]You can’t post on Instagram because:

  • Your device has run out of storage space
  • You have a poor internet connection



There will be many situations where you might end up asking questions like, “why isn’t Instagram letting me post?” In these situations, there are a few things that you can do to get back to posting and try your hand at becoming an Instagram influencer. You can do many things like restarting your smartphone, uninstalling and reinstalling Instagram, clear cached memory, freeing up space in your storage, and much more.

If you found the answer to your question, then feel free to read out other articles and share them with your friends who are also asking, “why can’t I post on Instagram?”

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Subham Shah

Subham started his journey in the finance market but soon realized his passion for writing and sharing his knowledge with others. His goal has now become to enlighten the audience on various topics. He is a tech freak; if you cannot find him in his writing cabin, you will find him playing with different technologies.

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