What a Personal Relationship With Jesus Looks Like?


Mashum Mollah


3 Mins Read

November 2, 2022

Last Updated on: November 7, 2022

Personal Relationship With Jesus

Have you ever felt like God was far away and you couldn’t touch or talk to him? Have you ever wondered if you have a personal relationship with Jesus?

Jesus promised us he would never leave or forsake us when you’re trying to follow in his footsteps. He promised to always be with you and vowed never to leave you.

What a personal relationship with Jesus in the Bible looks like is different for everyone because we’re all different. However, there are a few similarities.

Today, we will discuss what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Let’s begin!

A Deeper Understanding

A personal relationship with Jesus looks like a relationship with any close friend or family member. It involves getting to know Him, talking to Him, and learning His will for your life.

It’s also important to spend time in prayer and worship and to read the Bible to learn more about who He is. Your relationship with Jesus is essential in your life, and it will change you in ways you never thought possible.

A Closer Connection

A personal relationship with Jesus looks different for everyone, but there are some commonalities. Examples of a personal relationship with Jesus are built on trust, love, and obedience. It is a two-way street, with Jesus as our guide and friend.

We follow Him because we want to, not because we have to. In a personal relationship with Jesus, we grow closer to Him through prayer, study, and service. As we grow closer to Jesus, our relationship with God deepens, and we can better follow His will for our lives.

Have you ever wondered if you have a personal relationship with Jesus?

A Sense of Direction

When one has a personal relationship with Jesus, one will want to please God in all one do. It means they will have a sense of direction, always seeking to do what is right in God’s eyes.

This relationship will be evident in how they live their lives, always putting God first and others second. They will also have a heart for evangelism, wanting to share the good news of Jesus with as many people as possible.

A Personal Responsibility

A personal relationship with Jesus looks like having a best friend to that you can talk about anything and know that he will always be there for you.

This relationship requires a personal responsibility to maintain, which means being proactive in communicating and interacting with Jesus. It is also important to be unafraid to ask for help when needed and give thanks for the service you receive.

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Have a Personal Relationship with Jesus

If you want to know what a personal relationship with Jesus looks like, obedience is critical. You must also be willing to spend time reading the Bible and communicating with Jesus through prayer. It is a two-way friendship, so don’t be afraid to share your heart with Him.

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