Records The Hottest Average Temperature : Death Valley National Park, California


Rishab Dey


1 Min Read

July 18, 2023

Records The Hottest Average Temperature

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On July 11th Sunday, a weather station in northern Death Valley National Park recorded an average temperature of 118 degrees Fahrenheit. In this case, it is nearly 50 degrees centigrade. This is the highest average daily temperature which researchers observe on Earth.

The day started with a low temperature which was around 107 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a high record in North America. The heat measurements come amid the heat wave in the western United States. In this case, a drought is also seen, which happens because of human-caused climate change.

As per the information gathered by the New York Times, the weather is dry along with the high temperature. The Death Valley National Park chief officer, Patrick Taylor, has said that if anyone spends more than 15 minutes, he/she can feel the temperature.

Apart from that, the highest temperature is recorded this Saturday, which is 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Although the day before, Furnace Creek has seen the highest temperature is 130 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the hottest temperature on Earth. In the year 2020, 130 degrees Fahrenheit measurements have been recorded. On the other hand, the average temperature measured on Sunday is around 118 degrees Fahrenheit.

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