How To Make Lemongrass Oil? Process of Making Lemongrass Oil

There are many benefits of lemongrass oil, and that is why it has multiple uses. It is basically an essential oil that is made by extracting lemongrass leaves. If you want to know how to make lemongrass oil, read on through to the end of the article.
In this article, we will discuss not only how to make lemongrass oil but will also discuss the major uses of it. Furthermore, you will also know of the major benefits of lemongrass oil, as well as how to make use of lemongrass essential oil so that you benefit from it. Later, we will also discuss some of the major side effects associated with it.
How To Make Lemongrass Oil At Home?

Before you make this oil at your home, you must know the other names of lemongrass. This will help you to find lemongrass easily, whichever place of the world you live in.
Lemongrass is also known as Abafado, Citronella, Andropogon citratus, Andropogun flexuous, Fever grass, Limonaria, Limon, Cana Santa, Citronelle, Sakumau, Jonc Odorant, Sereh, Sera, Squinant, Tej-Sar, Ta-Khraj, Indienne, Verveine, Cymbopogon, silky heads, barbed wire grass, Malabar grass, Cochin grass, oily heads, etc.
No matter the name, lemongrass oil is created with only a few common steps. Here are the steps you will need to follow to make lemongrass oil:
Method 1: Cold Infusion Method

The following are the steps to follow if you want to make lemongrass oil through the hot infusion method:
Step 1: Cut two stalks of lemongrass, and crush these stalks of lemongrass with the help of a mortar and pestle. This will release the oil from the lemongrass stalks. Apart from that, you can also use a rolling pin to bring the oil out of lemongrass.
Step 2: Take the crushed lemongrass stalks, and add them to a jar. Cover the stalks with oil. Make sure to airtight the jar so that no air is passed into it. Place the jar in a sunny area for two days at a stretch. Make sure to keep the jar in a place where a lot of sunlight comes.
Step 3: Open the jar after two days, use a cheesecloth to strain the lemongrass oil, and store it in a quart jar. Take two more lemongrass stalks, and then follow Step 1, and add them to that quart jar. Place the jar in the sun like in Step 2.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 1, 2, and 3 until you find the desired potency of the lemongrass oil by smelling it.
Step 5: Strain the lemongrass oil with the help of cheesecloth, store them in blue or dark brown bottles, and tightly fasten the lids. Make sure to keep the bottles in a cool and dry place from now on.
Method 2: Hot Infusion Method

The following are the steps to follow if you want to make lemongrass oil through the cold infusion method:
Step 1: Take a double boiler, remove the top, and add hot water to the lower pan. Place the pan on the stove. Turn on the heat in the stove, and bring the whole thing to a boil.
Step 2: Cut all the lemongrass stalks that you want oil from. Combine these lemongrass stalks with the oil that is present on top of the double boiler. When it reaches the boiling stage, place the top of the double boiler over the bottom.
Step 3: Gently heat the oil and lemongrass over the double boiler for approximately three hours.
Step 4: Place the wine press on a higher surface, and arrange it in such a way so that the bottom strains into a jug through a fitted plastic tube through it.
Step 5: On the rim of the wine press, fit a cheesecloth securely. Then strain the oil from the lemongrass through the cheesecloth attached to the wine press.
Step 6: Put the strained lemongrass oil inside blue or dark brown bottles and tightly fasten the lids. Make sure to keep the bottles in a cool and dry place.
What Are The Major Lemongrass Essential Oil Benefits?

There are a variety of benefits associated with lemongrass oil. You can actually apply the oil directly to your skin if you have skin problems like infections, acne, pains, etc. You can inhale lemongrass oil too, which is very useful in aromatherapies to treat different conditions like mood changes, headaches, etc.
You can also use lemongrass leaves and lemongrass oil in cooking to apply the flavor of lemon. Apart from that, you can also use it in beverages. Furthermore, you can use lemongrass leaves to make herbal products, herbal tea, etc., to give them a lemon flavor.
Another great usage of lemongrass is in making fragrances in soaps, deodorants, perfumes, as well as cosmetics. On the other hand, you can also use it to make natural citral and Vitamin A. Apart from that, you can also use lemongrass oil to prevent bacterial and fungal growth in your home.
What Are The Major Lemongrass Essential Oil Drawbacks?
Yes! Lemongrass essential oil indeed has a lot of benefits. But still, this also has a large number of drawbacks. What are they? Below, I will discuss the major drawbacks of lemongrass essential oil.
- Even though it is not harmful, every use of lemongrass essential oil. However, there are still some risks and side effects of lemongrass. That is why you always have to be careful. In this case, excessive amounts of lemongrass essential oil might result in mishaps like skin irritations and rashes.
- Did you know lemongrass essential oil always needs to be kept away from your kids? This can cause skin irritation, rashes, and so on. After all, ensure you have treated those rashes carefully.
- Another drawback of lemongrass essential oil is that it can cause allergies. In this case, it can increase your heart rate and might increase breathing problems upon direct contact.
- If you consume lemongrass essential oil, then it could cause several issues such as increased appetite, excessive Urine, triggering menstrual flow, and so many others.
- If you are pregnant, then avoid consuming lemongrass in any form. This could cause several congenital disabilities or even sometimes miscarriage. Moreover, lemongrass essential oil consumption is directly associated with breastfeeding.
- Lemongrass essential oil disadvantage is especially for cancer-treated patients. Especially those who are undergoing chemotherapy.
What Are The Uses Of Lemongrass Oil?

The following are the major uses of lemongrass oil that are common among people:
- Used in treating exhaustion, hypertension, and headache.
- Lemongrass oil helps to treat stomach problems and stomachache.
- It helps to treat convulsions.
- It helps to stop vomiting tendencies.
- Lemongrass oil helps in treating spasms or abnormal movement of the human gut.
- It is used to lower general bodily pain, rheumatic pain, neuralgia, and other problems.
- It helps in treating cough and cold.
- Malaria can be treated with the help of lemongrass oil.
- Lemongrass oil can also be used as an astringent or antiseptic for the skin.
Summing Up:
In this article, you learned about two ways to make lemongrass oil. However, you will need to make sure that you have all the instruments required to make it. If you are making lemongrass oil at home, we recommend you the cold infusion method, as it is easier. Apart from that, you also learned about the major benefits and uses associated with lemongrass oil. What other benefits that you know of lemongrass oil? Share with us in the comments section below.
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