A Day In The Life Of A Successful Cryptocurrency Investor: Things To Learn

To maintain the confidentiality of the crypto investor, we are not going to disclose his name. For us, he is Max today! This is Max narrating how a day is in his life as a cryptocurrency investor.
Most people think of cryptocurrency investing as something easy and glamorous. Numerous friends and office colleagues have come up to me and asked how they would be able to earn a quick buck by trading Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or Ethereum.
To be very honest, there are not a lot of shortcuts when it comes to investing in trading cryptocurrencies. You have to put in the effort just like any other area of work. Here, I am going to take you through what a regular day looks like in my life.
Starting the Day: 6 AM
If there is one thing that I have learned from cryptocurrency investing and trading, it is that it takes a toll on your mental and physical health.
When I first started in 2017, it consumed my entire world. After just about nearing a breakdown, I started to look after my mental and physical health.
My day starts at 6 AM with a round of meditation and yoga. I do this every day and this helps me maintain a fine equilibrium.
You will realize its benefits once you have to make some tough decisions. This is followed by quick cardio and some brisk walking with my dog.
Sitting down to Trade Cryptocurrencies: 9 AM
After a nice healthy breakfast and a shower, I sit down to check up on all the updates. Unlike many that try to work two jobs and trade at night, I do not do that.
I have realized that taking too much stress starts reflecting on your mental and physical health.
Once I started earning decent profits, I left my day job and became a full-time crypto trader. I like to start early and get a round-up of all the news.
Usually, I start by listening to the mainstream media news. Crypto talk is far more common than it was a couple of years back.
This is followed by reading the newsletters and updates that my Crypto Exchange sends me. I tend to read a lot of blogs and do my research on price trends.
No thanks to Elon Musk, his speculation and engagement have brought more harm than good to the community.
Taking a Break and Re-energizing Myself: 2 PM
After going straight at it for more than 5 hours, I sit back and break for lunch. Lunch is simple and light food, which is then followed by a light nap.
I wake up, walk for 15-odd-minutes and then sit again to take my major decisions of the day.
All the trading and investing decisions are taken from the time between 5 to 7 PM. After doing all the research in the first half of the day, I check whether there are any profitable trades to be made.
This can involve divesting some of my Bitcoins and choosing Ethereum or Dogecoin.
All the payments and the financial transactions are done during this time. Even the bank knows that this is the time I engage with financial payments.
If they see something else, like a huge transaction early on in the day, my relationship manager will call me up.
End the day and spend time with the Family: 8 PM
I cannot emphasize this enough, but spending time with your family is very important. It helps you keep the balance and understand things in a much clearer manner.
Once your personal life is great, you will see positive effects on your professional one as well.
A lot of you might be wondering how much I have already made dealing in cryptocurrencies for the last four years.
To be honest, it is nowhere as close to what the Winklevoss Twins have. However, to be honest, and answer your queries, I have made a tidy 5 Million+ in the last four years.
I have done this without losing sleep (I used to lose sleep early on). In terms of the trading platform that I have used, I have relied upon- https://profit-maximizer.app
If you have any more questions that you would like to ask me, let me know in the comments section below.
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