5 Tips on Creating Video Marketing Campaigns for Small Businesses

Today, people are watching double the number of online videos than in 2018. That’s just four years ago!
Video captures the imagination—and consumer attention—in ways that static text and images just can’t. That’s why video-centric platforms like TikTok and YouTube continue to rise in popularity, and other social media platforms (read: Instagram) are scrambling to adapt their offerings to video-hungry users.
One thing’s clear: it’s well worth the effort it takes to create video marketing campaigns. Read on to learn how to create impactful videos yourself.
1. Identify Your Target Market
Before you get out all your filming equipment, take some time to sit down and think about who you’re targeting by marketing with videos.
Some demographics to consider might be:
- Age or generation
- Sexual orientation
- Location
- Likes and dislikes
- Profession
- Homeowner or renter
- Marital status
- Preferred media platforms
- Pets
You can even go so far as to craft actual personas for the people you want to market to, giving them a face, a name, a job… the list goes on.
2. Grab Attention at the Start
Regardless of the topics for the videos you’re creating, you need to grab the viewer’s attention.
Research by LinkedIn suggested that videos less than 30 seconds received 200 percent more views than longer videos. And while other studies refute this idea, it’s clear from this finding that people are more engaged when a video captivates them at the beginning.
3. Include Hooks in Your Videos
It’s one thing getting people to click on your content; it’s quite another to get them to watch right through to the end.
An excellent digital marketing strategy for video will include an array of “hooks” scattered throughout a video. These are compelling bits of information that encourage a reader to keep watching for more.
You can ask questions, hint at a story, start with a problem and offer a solution only at the end of the video… the list goes on!
4. Know When to Call in the Pros
It takes more than just a good idea to craft a compelling video. There’s a lot of expensive, high-tech equipment involved as well.
If you don’t have the money to invest in good lighting, expensive cameras, and more, why not check out marketing businesses online? Many specialize in video production and can help you get a better product for your time and money.
5. Repurpose Your Video
Don’t just create a video, post it on your website, and be done with it.
Instead, make video into GIF, chop it up to make it into shorter social media video posts, or isolate the audio and start a podcast.
Each platform and type of media appeal to different demographics. The more widely you repurpose and distribute your video, the more you get out of the effort you put into it.
Create Video Marketing Campaigns: A Guide
If you’re sticking to these golden rules and focusing on creating dramatic, short, and hook-filled videos, you’re almost guaranteed to get the views you’re after. Just be sure to take advantage of all the time you put into your video and think of creative ways to repurpose it for as many platforms as possible.
For more tips and tricks on how to create video marketing campaigns that convert, browse the other articles on our blog.
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December 28, 2021