What Should You Do After a Hit-and-Run Car Accident?

Did you know that only about 9% of hit-and-run cases are resolved by the police in the United States?
A lack of evidence is often to blame for unsolved claims, which can be frustrating for the victim.
Although you can’t prepare for these moments, there are a few things you can do once the tragedy occurs.
Keep reading to discover the steps you should take after a hit-and-run car accident occurs!
3 Prime Steps To Take After A Hit-and-Run Car Accident
1. Check Yourself for Injuries
One of the first things to do after a hit-and-run car accident is to check yourself for injuries.
Pull to the side of the road or get yourself to the safest place possible. If you need help, look for someone in the area to call an ambulance. In the meantime, look for blood, swelling, and signs of fractures.
If you get injured or are concerned about a concussion, it’s recommended that you seek immediate medical attention. Be careful as you move around, especially if you are wedged in your seat.
2. Call the Police
Police will respond to many types of car accidents, even when only half of the vehicles involved are there.
It’s best to stay at the scene of the crime until the police arrive and permit you to leave. They will ask you a few questions regarding the accident and if you got any details from the runaway vehicle. This conversation is essential since it creates a claim with the police that your insurance company will later request.
Don’t wait to call, the sooner you contact the police the better. While a vehicle checks on you, another can search for the person that caused the accident.
3. Gather Evidence
The insurance company will request evidence of car accident injuries and vehicle damage.
If you were able to get the other driver’s license plate, you should share that with the police. You will also want a photo of the vehicle and your car, if possible. Take pictures of your injuries and damaged vehicle to show the insurance company or jury if you go to court.
Find a Lawyer
You’ll want to start searching for an attorney near me if you want to get compensated for medical bills and repairs.
Many people recommend Shapiro Law Firm, they have an excellent team. When hiring a lawyer, make sure they have experience with these types of car crashes since someone may not be found at fault.
A lawyer can represent your case and ensure that you aren’t held responsible for another person’s actions. Your lawyer can also assist with handling insurance claims that can get confusing.
Can You Handle a Hit-and-Run Car Accident?
There’s nothing worse than a hit-and-run car accident because in many cases, no one is held accountable.
If you couldn’t get the license plate number of the other car, take note of any other details about the vehicle. You can work with the police, your lawyer, and your insurance company to limit costs and reduce medical bills.
Don’t wait to seek medical attention if you aren’t feeling well, signs of a concussion can be difficult to identify.
Make sure you read our blog for more information about filing an auto accident claim and finding legal representation!
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