8 Tips For A Healthy Dog

We call dogs man’s best friend for a reason. They bring joy into our homes and spend their lives giving us love.
When properly cared for, a pup can live anywhere from an average of seven to fifteen years, depending on the size and breed of the animal. Helping your fur friend live the longest, healthiest life possible takes care and consideration on your part.
Here Are Eight Tips For A Healthy Dog:
Read on to learn eight tips for a healthy dog.
1. Regular Vet Visits

Just like humans, healthy dogs should see a doctor annually. This allows the vet to monitor their health. This way they can catch any problems early on and offer the best prognosis.
Dogs should receive appropriate vaccinations, heartworm medications, and pest prevention treatments that will help them avoid catching avoidable illnesses. If your dog seems healthy, you may feel tempted to skill their checkups.
But remember, you took on this animal as your responsibility and they count on your to take proper care of them.
2. Sick Vet Visits
When your dog gets sick or injured, they need medical attention from a vet. Do not attempt to self-diagnose your pet or wait it out, as things can get bad quickly.
Call your vet if your dog:
- Has frequent vomiting or diarrhea
- Feels feverish
- Acts lethargic
- Bleeds more than a small amount
- Appears injured
- Cries in pain for more than a moment
The vet may help your pup get comfortable.
3. Spaying or Neutering
Spay or neuter your dog before they reach reproductive age. You may wonder why this would keep them healthy when reproduction is a natural process.
When dogs go into heat, they behave much differently. Your sweet puppy may suddenly act nervous, rambunctious, and even aggressive as they obsess over finding a mate.
This can lead to them attempting an escape, which can lead to serious injuries. If they do find a mate, you must also worry about your dog catching a communicable disease, especially if they interact with a stray.
Female dogs can also run into health problems from too many pregnancies.
4. Diet

Dogs need to eat a healthy, balanced diet. If your pup ends up malnourished or overfed, it can lead to health problems and disease.
First, know what to feed your canine. Both canned and dry dog food is specially designed to meet their nutritional needs.
But if you constantly put it out, some animals will eat more than they need. Fill your dog’s bowl once in the morning and once in the evening to keep them in tip-top condition.
Also, know what not to feed your pet. Many foods we enjoy cause toxicity in dogs.
For instance, can dogs eat pepperoni? No, they should never ingest this, chocolate, garlic, or grapes.
5. Hydration
While you do want to limit your fur friend’s food intake, never restrict their water. To live a long and healthy life, your dog needs adequate hydration.
Each day, your pup should drink about an ounce of water per pound of body weight. Dogs who run around and play often especially need constant access.
Fill their bowl with clean water often. If you work for long hours, buy an extra water bowl to keep out for them.
6. Chomper Health
Many people don’t think about tooth care for dog health. After all, animals survive in the wild without toothbrushes. But, they live a much shorter life span too.
Think about the outcome if you failed to brush your teeth daily. You would end up with bad breath, gum disease, and rotten teeth.
Dogs’ teeth consist of the same minerals and live material as humans. This means that they face a similar risk. Poor dental hygiene can lead to tooth loss, which makes eating more difficult, and serious infections.
You don’t need to brush your canine’s teeth every day. But aim to do so a couple of times a week.
In between, throw your pup a bone. Chewing helps to remove plaque and keep their mouth healthy.
7. Activity

Exercising your dog will keep them strong and in good health. Depending on the breed, your dog should get between 30 minutes and two hours of exercise each day. Larger animals need more than smaller breeds.
Exercise keeps their muscles strong and bones dense. It also keeps their joints healthy.
Regular activity helps prevent diseases like diabetes and certain cancers. Keeping them moving also reduces anxiety and behavioral issues.
Take your pet for a walk each day. If you live near a dog park, they can benefit from unleashed play in an area where you don’t need to worry about them destroying property.
Play games that bring out their natural instincts like fetch and tug of war. This will keep them happy and living longer.
8. Climate Control
Pay attention to the weather for your dog in the same way that you would for yourself. Depending on the breed, they may do better with either warmth or frigid temps.
Make sure your dog can stand colder temperatures without shivering. Do not leave them outside for long and consider putting a sweater on them when you let them out for a potty break.
In warmer temperatures, offer your dog a cool place to rest. Keep a constant supply of water so that they do not dehydrate.
Pay special attention to cold-weather dogs with thick coats, like huskies, as they can overheat quickly. Never leave any dog closed in a hot car, as it can literally cook them.
Keep A Happy And Healthy Dog
Taking a dog into your home means you become responsible for every aspect of their well-being because they cannot care for themselves. For a happy and healthy dog, care for them as you would any other member of the family.
Bring them to the vet, watch their diet, and play with them as much as you can. This will help your pooch live its best life.
Take good care of yourself so you can give your pet all the love and attention that they need. Find helpful wellness tips on our Health and Fitness page!
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